
The Background.

Gender discrimination and Inequality, have continued to deprive children of their opportunities. And girls are most disproportionately affected!

On the other hand, the United Nation (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), also referred to as Global Goals, are proposed solutions to making the world a better place to live. 

It is believed that carrying out these Global Goals will bring an end to poverty, protect the planet, reduce inequality, build more peaceful societies and ensure good living for everyone. 

These goals, which include gender inequality are seventeen (17) in number, with 169 targets (the real things that must be achieved). They were adopted by all United Nations Member State in 2012

Year 2030 is the target and this is the decade of action!
Everyone is expected to work together to ensure that no one is left behind!


To inspire, mobilize and connect children, without barriers and borders for the advancement and achievement of gender equality and the Global Goals.


To have reached and impacted over 25 million people (children and adult alike) by the end of 2026.


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